Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Is fuel price hike for the better?

I always believed that nature knew how to maintain its equilibrium. It masters the art of regaining the lost balance in any extreme condition. And its latest trick is making fuel dearer.

Not so latest news is the hike in fuel price. As a result of this people are protesting in India, Malaysia, Spain and the list might get longer. The governments in these countries fear tumbling any time. The poor are forced to choose between lunch and dinner and the rich are painfully settling for more fuel efficient and hybrid cars. Life has become difficult.

But if there are people celebrating the hike in fuel prices then they are the environmental activists. The traffic levels on the US roads are dropping, people all over the globe are opting for public transportation and car pooling. SUVs are being replaced with hybrid cars. Two wheelers are getting popular. Cycles might soon make a comeback!

Not many may appreciate a hike in fuel price but the environment surely stands to gain. Did you know, city traffic along with buildings and manufacturers emits 70 per cent of world's greenhouse gases? This figure should come down with decreasing traffic movement all over the globe thereby reducing global warming.

I guess nature patiently waits for us to correct our mistakes but sadly, it realizes that we humans always learn the hard way!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Advantage vegetarianism!

Everybody knows about the advantages of being a vegetarian. A lot has been said and written about turning vegetarian and living healthy. I am certainly not getting into it. However, we now have a new reason to give up eating meat - global warming.

Did you know that every piece of beef you eat adds to global warming? This might sound strange but it is true. Going by the United Nations' estimates, rearing cows, processing beef and dairy products, packaging and transporting them to supermarkets and then to your kitchens accounts for 18 per cent of world's greenhouse gas emissions.

Be it feeding a cow or slaughtering it and everything in between needs fossil fuel. Therefore, the more the beef is eaten the more fossil fuels are burnt, which only means more global warming. Moreover, cows themselves pass gas, mostly methane, which is more harmful than carbon dioxide.

So, all you beef lovers, time to start loving cows when alive. For more on this, go to

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Most beautiful sunset

This is one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen. This was on a wonderful evening on my honeymoon in Sanibel Island in Florida. I guess my husband managed to capture the beauty along with the romance in this picture.

It could easily be one of the many sunsets that fills hope and love in the hearts of the people viewing it.

This sunset promises a better tomorrow and leaves behind a beautiful today.