The name says it all. Even renaming it to Mumbai did not help, it seems.
Mumbai is a dream city for many Indians. And Bollywood just adds to it. It is a city of contrasts. The city has, on one hand, glamour and riches and on the other poverty. There are high rise buildings very next to the slums. The local trains bring together the educated and also the uneducated. There are the hard working individuals, who work long hours. Then there are those who know how to make some easy money. The Mumbaikars can kill each other in riots and also join hands when in need.
One example of this was seen on November 26, 2008. A date, which will go down in history. There was enough praise for the commandos for the rescue acts. Even the people of the city deserve appreciation for the support they have lent.
But, for how long will the rest of the world shower praises for Mumbai and its people?
What Mumbaikars need is not words but some action. The city has to be protected from such future incidents. And the only ones who can make this possible are Mumbaikars themselves.
I wish from now on the people of this wonderful city stay alert. They cannot trust anyone to safeguard the city. The responsibility is solely their own. Mumbai can become a lot better place to live in if the people take some time to look around their surroundings, report anything that evokes suspicion and any individual who breaks any law.
We cannot take law into our hands but we can certainly make sure everyone else follows them. Each citizen should now on monitor his and his neighbour's actions.
Let Mumbaikar not only join hands to reestablish the peace of the city, but also in building a protective wall around it.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Summer of 2008
This video is very close to my heart. Married in the Summer of 2008, I came to the US with Siddharth. Being what he is, a caring husband, he made sure I did not miss home. We went to a lot many places this summer. 2008 has been for me a year of journey, new experience and transition.
Editing, direction and camera are all done by Siddharth. All I can do is thank him for making me feel special!
Editing, direction and camera are all done by Siddharth. All I can do is thank him for making me feel special!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The NRI Wife Syndrome
This term 'The NRI Wife Syndrome' was familiarized to me by my husband, Siddharth. This syndrome, as the name suggests, is predominant among the Non Resident Indians and it got a name only when Siddharth and his friends intervened. You can also call it 'H4 visa syndrome.'
When the well educated, well settled NRI gets tired of his weekend road trips, late night parties and American lifestyle, he realizes how hollow his life is. He misses his homeland, his family and most importantly his mother and her cooking. The farther he goes, the more he is haunted. The dal-chawal, bindi ki sabzi with roti, a cow on the road, antakshari during the power cuts and the roadside chatwala, all call him back. And since he cannot go back to India, he tries to bring India to him.
He gets married!
Enters his life, his wife, on H4 visa. The Indian bride fulfils his deepest desire. He now feels belonged and connected. She becomes his anchor who keeps him ashore.
But that is not all about her. The now dependent wife, who is well qualified, once led an independent life back home. She, then, dint have enough time to divide between her family and friends. But now, she is in a strange land, away from her home and family. Her H4 visa ties her around their apartment and leaves her with nothing but ample time. Her activities and movements are now restricted. She is now completely dependent upon a guy, who until a few days was a complete stranger.
The honeymoon period, initially, goes well with the new relationship, new home, new country. But the problem begins when the dust settles and life becomes a routine.
The husband goes off to work early in the morning, leaving his wife alone at home. The wife cleans and decorates the house, does the dishes and washes his clothes, cooks food for him, watches tv, goes online and waits for his return. Next day again she cleans the house, cooks, does the dishes and wash clothes, watches tv, goes online and waits for his return. And then on the third day she cleans, cooks, washes, watches tv, goes online and waits for him to return.
This goes on and she finally shows the first sign of the infamous NRI Wife Syndrome - she fights, is irritated, lonely, feels worthless, becomes depressed and nostalgic. She misses her home, friends and her job. This is when she breaks down and wishes to return to her country. Certainly, the NRI is now left nowhere. He cannot go back nor can he comfortably live outside India. He is confused, she is depressed and...
And, this is just the beginning!
P.S.: The blog post is based upon true events. However, resemblance with any individual or her life is purely co-incidental.
When the well educated, well settled NRI gets tired of his weekend road trips, late night parties and American lifestyle, he realizes how hollow his life is. He misses his homeland, his family and most importantly his mother and her cooking. The farther he goes, the more he is haunted. The dal-chawal, bindi ki sabzi with roti, a cow on the road, antakshari during the power cuts and the roadside chatwala, all call him back. And since he cannot go back to India, he tries to bring India to him.
He gets married!
Enters his life, his wife, on H4 visa. The Indian bride fulfils his deepest desire. He now feels belonged and connected. She becomes his anchor who keeps him ashore.
But that is not all about her. The now dependent wife, who is well qualified, once led an independent life back home. She, then, dint have enough time to divide between her family and friends. But now, she is in a strange land, away from her home and family. Her H4 visa ties her around their apartment and leaves her with nothing but ample time. Her activities and movements are now restricted. She is now completely dependent upon a guy, who until a few days was a complete stranger.
The honeymoon period, initially, goes well with the new relationship, new home, new country. But the problem begins when the dust settles and life becomes a routine.
The husband goes off to work early in the morning, leaving his wife alone at home. The wife cleans and decorates the house, does the dishes and washes his clothes, cooks food for him, watches tv, goes online and waits for his return. Next day again she cleans the house, cooks, does the dishes and wash clothes, watches tv, goes online and waits for his return. And then on the third day she cleans, cooks, washes, watches tv, goes online and waits for him to return.
This goes on and she finally shows the first sign of the infamous NRI Wife Syndrome - she fights, is irritated, lonely, feels worthless, becomes depressed and nostalgic. She misses her home, friends and her job. This is when she breaks down and wishes to return to her country. Certainly, the NRI is now left nowhere. He cannot go back nor can he comfortably live outside India. He is confused, she is depressed and...
And, this is just the beginning!
P.S.: The blog post is based upon true events. However, resemblance with any individual or her life is purely co-incidental.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Rendering Santa Homeless!
Every year the world waits for Santa Claus. Santa, on his reindeer sledge, comes from Arctic to fulfill our wishes. Santa for the world means happiness and joy. But how are we repaying him?
We are rendering him homeless!
The Arctic ice is melting faster than ever before. Scientists say there are possibilities of total ice meltdown in the pole. In fact, the chances for Arctic to become ice free this summer is 50-50.
This total ice meltdown has even opened up the Northwestern passage for navigation. 2007 August saw the first ever navigation through this region.
And no points for guessing the reason behind Arctic going ice free. Yes, it is global warming.
Global warming has already led to climate change and deadly disasters around the world. Now, it has even affected the Arctic, home to dear Santa Claus. We are not far behind. We have taken our planet for granted but now is time, when we will have to correct our act.
For more, click on
We are rendering him homeless!

This total ice meltdown has even opened up the Northwestern passage for navigation. 2007 August saw the first ever navigation through this region.
And no points for guessing the reason behind Arctic going ice free. Yes, it is global warming.
Global warming has already led to climate change and deadly disasters around the world. Now, it has even affected the Arctic, home to dear Santa Claus. We are not far behind. We have taken our planet for granted but now is time, when we will have to correct our act.
For more, click on
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Buy an expensive car; go green!
The latest news on Indian media - the rise of prime lending rates by half a percentage point. RBI says this is necessary to control inflation that has touched 11 percent. The RBI hopes that increased interest rates will reduce the demand for goods, thereby, reducing inflation. High inflation can slower down any country's growth rate.
The major reason for inflation is the hike in fuel and food prices. Demand for fuel is growing by the day. The more oil is extracted from the earth's crust the more demand grows. The greed for energy is now leaving many oil wells dry. Old wells don't bear oil and new wells are hard to find. Even if new oil reserves are found, they are in challenging locations. Saudi Arabia plans to extract more oil to meet the demand. But this will take at least a few years. Till then, don't be surprised to see oil prices going up each day.
In this situation, the last thing India needs is Tata's Nano. The one lakh car is easily affordable to any middle class family with a decent income. Gone are the days when cars were for the affluent. With the induction of Nano in the showrooms, the number of cars on the Indian streets is sure to rise. More cars easily means more pollution and global warming (as if we bother about it) and more fuel consumption. Easily, increased consumption means increased demand and hence, even higher prices. This again means, higher inflation and increase in lending rates by RBI. And the cycle continues!
The least we can do is pledge to buy only expensive cars. Wait till you have saved enough for it and get your money's worth. Till then, we always have the public transportation.
In this situation, the last thing India needs is Tata's Nano. The one lakh car is easily affordable to any middle class family with a decent income. Gone are the days when cars were for the affluent. With the induction of Nano in the showrooms, the number of cars on the Indian streets is sure to rise. More cars easily means more pollution and global warming (as if we bother about it) and more fuel consumption. Easily, increased consumption means increased demand and hence, even higher prices. This again means, higher inflation and increase in lending rates by RBI. And the cycle continues!
The least we can do is pledge to buy only expensive cars. Wait till you have saved enough for it and get your money's worth. Till then, we always have the public transportation.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
It all happens for good
Not so long ago, I had a full time, well paying job, was free of family responsibilities and commitments, holiday meant relaxing at home and eating mom made food and going out with friends and not to forget shopping. I felt I was one in a million then.
But all of a sudden, things are different now. I don't have a job, I have to cook and look after my house and dear husband, holidays are still fun but I miss mom made food, friends are too far away to meet, shopping still continues but it is mostly for the house. Today, I feel lost in the Indian diaspora.
This was quite frustrating earlier but not anymore. Today, I am much more happier and all for the same reason - feeling lost in the Indian diaspora.
With no job on hand, I have a lot more time for myself now. It is like having extra 15 to 17 hours a day. This extra time has given me an opportunity to know myself better.
I recently took charge of the canvas and the brush. I loved to paint as a child but couldn't persue the same. It really feels great to do something that connects me to my childhood, brings out the real me and express myself through colours. As I painted, I met the otherside of me.
I never realised being out of job and different from 'the modern, independent girl' could be so satisfying and rewarding. Today, I see a lot many ways opening up for me, a lot many opportunities coming my way. Staying at home, spending time on myself allows me to follow my heart and frees me from all obligations.
It is like living a dream and I now know that it all happens for good.
But all of a sudden, things are different now. I don't have a job, I have to cook and look after my house and dear husband, holidays are still fun but I miss mom made food, friends are too far away to meet, shopping still continues but it is mostly for the house. Today, I feel lost in the Indian diaspora.
This was quite frustrating earlier but not anymore. Today, I am much more happier and all for the same reason - feeling lost in the Indian diaspora.
With no job on hand, I have a lot more time for myself now. It is like having extra 15 to 17 hours a day. This extra time has given me an opportunity to know myself better.
I recently took charge of the canvas and the brush. I loved to paint as a child but couldn't persue the same. It really feels great to do something that connects me to my childhood, brings out the real me and express myself through colours. As I painted, I met the otherside of me.
I never realised being out of job and different from 'the modern, independent girl' could be so satisfying and rewarding. Today, I see a lot many ways opening up for me, a lot many opportunities coming my way. Staying at home, spending time on myself allows me to follow my heart and frees me from all obligations.
It is like living a dream and I now know that it all happens for good.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Is fuel price hike for the better?
I always believed that nature knew how to maintain its equilibrium. It masters the art of regaining the lost balance in any extreme condition. And its latest trick is making fuel dearer.
Not so latest news is the hike in fuel price. As a result of this people are protesting in India, Malaysia, Spain and the list might get longer. The governments in these countries fear tumbling any time. The poor are forced to choose between lunch and dinner and the rich are painfully settling for more fuel efficient and hybrid cars. Life has become difficult.
But if there are people celebrating the hike in fuel prices then they are the environmental activists. The traffic levels on the US roads are dropping, people all over the globe are opting for public transportation and car pooling. SUVs are being replaced with hybrid cars. Two wheelers are getting popular. Cycles might soon make a comeback!
Not many may appreciate a hike in fuel price but the environment surely stands to gain. Did you know, city traffic along with buildings and manufacturers emits 70 per cent of world's greenhouse gases? This figure should come down with decreasing traffic movement all over the globe thereby reducing global warming.
I guess nature patiently waits for us to correct our mistakes but sadly, it realizes that we humans always learn the hard way!

But if there are people celebrating the hike in fuel prices then they are the environmental activists. The traffic levels on the US roads are dropping, people all over the globe are opting for public transportation and car pooling. SUVs are being replaced with hybrid cars. Two wheelers are getting popular. Cycles might soon make a comeback!
Not many may appreciate a hike in fuel price but the environment surely stands to gain. Did you know, city traffic along with buildings and manufacturers emits 70 per cent of world's greenhouse gases? This figure should come down with decreasing traffic movement all over the globe thereby reducing global warming.
I guess nature patiently waits for us to correct our mistakes but sadly, it realizes that we humans always learn the hard way!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Advantage vegetarianism!
Everybody knows about the advantages of being a vegetarian. A lot has been said and written about turning vegetarian and living healthy. I am certainly not getting into it. However, we now have a new reason to give up eating meat - global warming.
Did you know that every piece of beef you eat adds to global warming? This might sound strange but it is true. Going by the United Nations' estimates, rearing cows, processing beef and dairy products, packaging and transporting them to supermarkets and then to your kitchens accounts for 18 per cent of world's greenhouse gas emissions.
Be it feeding a cow or slaughtering it and everything in between needs fossil fuel. Therefore, the more the beef is eaten the more fossil fuels are burnt, which only means more global warming. Moreover, cows themselves pass gas, mostly methane, which is more harmful than carbon dioxide.
So, all you beef lovers, time to start loving cows when alive. For more on this, go to

Be it feeding a cow or slaughtering it and everything in between needs fossil fuel. Therefore, the more the beef is eaten the more fossil fuels are burnt, which only means more global warming. Moreover, cows themselves pass gas, mostly methane, which is more harmful than carbon dioxide.
So, all you beef lovers, time to start loving cows when alive. For more on this, go to
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Most beautiful sunset
This is one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen. This was on a wonderful evening on my honeymoon in Sanibel Island in Florida. I guess my husband managed to capture the beauty along with the romance in this picture.
It could easily be one of the many sunsets that fills hope and love in the hearts of the people viewing it.
This sunset promises a better tomorrow and leaves behind a beautiful today.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Is that all?
It is like a river flowing through the valley. It is picture perfect. Clear water, rich vegetation, perfectly serene and very divine. It is where birds chirp, flowers bloom, waters sing and the winds move soothing everything they comes across.
The river flows calmly, hiding its strong undercurrents. For its waters, the flow has been smooth until now. It occasionally came across huge mountains and big rocks, which it managed to pass clear of. There were a few falls but the river has survived them all. For the river, the journey so far has been like a dream. It could never get better than this. But...
How long will the journey be dream like? How long will the path be free of obstacles? Just flowing through the valley, is this all? Will the river ever rise to the heights of the mountains? Is meeting the ocean the sole goal? Is it the only reason for this journey and the only end?
The river flows calmly, hiding its strong undercurrents. For its waters, the flow has been smooth until now. It occasionally came across huge mountains and big rocks, which it managed to pass clear of. There were a few falls but the river has survived them all. For the river, the journey so far has been like a dream. It could never get better than this. But...
How long will the journey be dream like? How long will the path be free of obstacles? Just flowing through the valley, is this all? Will the river ever rise to the heights of the mountains? Is meeting the ocean the sole goal? Is it the only reason for this journey and the only end?
Monday, June 2, 2008
It's cloudy today!
For me, today is one of those bad days when you have lots to say but can't write a word. The feelings are all intertwined. One thought of chain gets connected with the other and ends with another.
It is something like a cloudy afternoon. The sun wants to shine hard on the ground but the clouds come in between. The clouds are holding back a thousand water drops that are eager to wet the soil but this just does not happen because the wind doesn't blow right.
I have this huge urge to fill this space but a thousand thoughts cross my mind at once. The thoughts want to come down as words but the feeling is just not right.
I am now waiting for the wind to blow, the clouds to pour and the sunshine to come through.
It is something like a cloudy afternoon. The sun wants to shine hard on the ground but the clouds come in between. The clouds are holding back a thousand water drops that are eager to wet the soil but this just does not happen because the wind doesn't blow right.
I have this huge urge to fill this space but a thousand thoughts cross my mind at once. The thoughts want to come down as words but the feeling is just not right.
I am now waiting for the wind to blow, the clouds to pour and the sunshine to come through.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
The story of a wave
This is a story of a wave in Arabian sea...
Sometime back, in the womb of Arabian sea, a little wave was born. It was made of beautiful little drops of water. The wave was a clear little thing and was still untouched by the dirty shore.
The wave was named Grace. She was a little sweet, a little salty, naughty, curious and carried sparkling eyes. She was the apple of the eye for everyone around her. Always on the run, she hated being idle and looked forward to experience the little joys that life brought her way. However, much pampered and much protected Grace had big dreams. She wished to reach the shore and go beyond. However much she loved the sea, she knew she was not made to rise and fall back into the sea.
Grace was happy with her life but never content. She was always on a look out for the right opportunity. And one fine day, she grabbed it.
That day, Grace could hear the world calling her with its arms wide open. She had escaped the prying eyes and broken all chains that held her captive. She owed no explanation to anyone and had no obligation. She believed she was free to live her life and enjoy every moment of it.
With hopes filled in her eyes and dreams in her heart, Grace began her journey. She travelled far and wide. She met new waves and learnt from her new experiences. Always optimistic, she never stopped. Her curiosity took her many nautical miles till one fine day she saw the shore.
Grace was thrilled. Her determination was finally paying off. Her patience of so many years was now turning into restlessness. She couldn't wait till she reached the shore. Grace closed her eyes, took a deep breath and just headed on.
Grace continued. She kept moving on and on until she suddenly lashed herself to a rock.
Grace's dreams suddenly were shattered and her droplets scattered all over the rock. Her dream of kissing the shore seemed unrealistic with every passing moment.
Grace is today unable to move. She is today trapped by the big black rocks that surround her. Unable to gather her droplets back and unable to rise above the rock, Grace is now struggling and feels suffocated.
Will Grace ever make it to the shore? Will her dreams come true? Or did she expect too much from life? Was she wrong in escaping from the protective captive back home? Is there hope?
Sometime back, in the womb of Arabian sea, a little wave was born. It was made of beautiful little drops of water. The wave was a clear little thing and was still untouched by the dirty shore.
The wave was named Grace. She was a little sweet, a little salty, naughty, curious and carried sparkling eyes. She was the apple of the eye for everyone around her. Always on the run, she hated being idle and looked forward to experience the little joys that life brought her way. However, much pampered and much protected Grace had big dreams. She wished to reach the shore and go beyond. However much she loved the sea, she knew she was not made to rise and fall back into the sea.
Grace was happy with her life but never content. She was always on a look out for the right opportunity. And one fine day, she grabbed it.
That day, Grace could hear the world calling her with its arms wide open. She had escaped the prying eyes and broken all chains that held her captive. She owed no explanation to anyone and had no obligation. She believed she was free to live her life and enjoy every moment of it.
With hopes filled in her eyes and dreams in her heart, Grace began her journey. She travelled far and wide. She met new waves and learnt from her new experiences. Always optimistic, she never stopped. Her curiosity took her many nautical miles till one fine day she saw the shore.
Grace was thrilled. Her determination was finally paying off. Her patience of so many years was now turning into restlessness. She couldn't wait till she reached the shore. Grace closed her eyes, took a deep breath and just headed on.
Grace continued. She kept moving on and on until she suddenly lashed herself to a rock.
Grace's dreams suddenly were shattered and her droplets scattered all over the rock. Her dream of kissing the shore seemed unrealistic with every passing moment.
Grace is today unable to move. She is today trapped by the big black rocks that surround her. Unable to gather her droplets back and unable to rise above the rock, Grace is now struggling and feels suffocated.
Will Grace ever make it to the shore? Will her dreams come true? Or did she expect too much from life? Was she wrong in escaping from the protective captive back home? Is there hope?
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
India and superstitions
Every region has its own set of superstitions and India is certainly no exception. We have a superstition attached to every act in our day-to-day life. Be it getting a hair cut done or a simple sneeze, it could be twitching of an eye or itching of palms, a cat crossing ones way or a dog howling, you name it and we have it.
But I strongly oppose being very critical about these superstitions. All of us know that every superstition has a logic attached to it. All we have to do is, look for it.
In India, getting a hair cut done on Tuesdays is considered inauspicious. People avoid visiting barbers on Tuesdays. But the superstition has a logical explanation. In earlier times, every village had one, at the most two, barbers. Since, these barbers needed a day off, people avoided visiting them on Tuesdays. This practice is still relevant in India.
Another very popular superstition is that of the black cat. In fact, it's not just for the black cat but any cat. People stop driving when a cat crosses the road. It is considered to be a bad omen. But the logic behind it is simple. If we continue driving when a cat is crossing our path then we might run over it. But instead, if we stop or slow down then we can free ourselves from carrying a guilt.
Superstitions are accompanied by reasoning. They are nothing but a form of knowledge. This knowledge has been put into use and converted into practise.
A supertition can be compared to a fruit. Only that, in this case, we peel the skin and throw the pulp!
But I strongly oppose being very critical about these superstitions. All of us know that every superstition has a logic attached to it. All we have to do is, look for it.
In India, getting a hair cut done on Tuesdays is considered inauspicious. People avoid visiting barbers on Tuesdays. But the superstition has a logical explanation. In earlier times, every village had one, at the most two, barbers. Since, these barbers needed a day off, people avoided visiting them on Tuesdays. This practice is still relevant in India.
Another very popular superstition is that of the black cat. In fact, it's not just for the black cat but any cat. People stop driving when a cat crosses the road. It is considered to be a bad omen. But the logic behind it is simple. If we continue driving when a cat is crossing our path then we might run over it. But instead, if we stop or slow down then we can free ourselves from carrying a guilt.
Superstitions are accompanied by reasoning. They are nothing but a form of knowledge. This knowledge has been put into use and converted into practise.
A supertition can be compared to a fruit. Only that, in this case, we peel the skin and throw the pulp!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Why do Indians wear a bindi on their forehead?
The most common answer to this question is that it indicates the marital status of a woman. This is especially true in northern India. The red bindi of the woman is said to bring prosperity and happiness to the family.
In southern India, girls and women, regardless of their marital status, wear a bindi.
However, a widow in India does not wear a bindi. She can, at the most, wear a black bindi on her forehead. The absence of bindi on a widow or the black bindi signifies her loss.
But the bindi is not just for women. Men too apply 'tilak' on their foreheads, which is another form of bindi. And these 'tilaks' have nothing to do with the marital status of men.
So, why do Hindus (both men and women) wear a bindi in India?
It is to signify and protect the third eye.
A bindi represents the third eye in humans for spiritual sight. This third eye is used to see things, which cannot be seen through physical eyes. The bindi helps us cultivate this spiritual vision. It stands as a reminder of the third eye.
Did you know, the great Hindu saints in the Himalayas, meditate by focusing their energies towards the third eye? It is not as easy as it seems. For normal beings like us, it is hard to continuously focus our energies to the third eye even for 3 minutes.
The day this third eye opens in an individual, will be the day he will attain enlightenment and get closer to God.
However, not wearing a bindi does not necessarily make any Hindu, a lesser Hindu.
In southern India, girls and women, regardless of their marital status, wear a bindi.
However, a widow in India does not wear a bindi. She can, at the most, wear a black bindi on her forehead. The absence of bindi on a widow or the black bindi signifies her loss.
But the bindi is not just for women. Men too apply 'tilak' on their foreheads, which is another form of bindi. And these 'tilaks' have nothing to do with the marital status of men.
So, why do Hindus (both men and women) wear a bindi in India?
It is to signify and protect the third eye.
A bindi represents the third eye in humans for spiritual sight. This third eye is used to see things, which cannot be seen through physical eyes. The bindi helps us cultivate this spiritual vision. It stands as a reminder of the third eye.
Did you know, the great Hindu saints in the Himalayas, meditate by focusing their energies towards the third eye? It is not as easy as it seems. For normal beings like us, it is hard to continuously focus our energies to the third eye even for 3 minutes.
The day this third eye opens in an individual, will be the day he will attain enlightenment and get closer to God.
However, not wearing a bindi does not necessarily make any Hindu, a lesser Hindu.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Will the world come to an end in 2012?
The answer to this question is a big NO. When none of us are sure of our future, why not take a positive approach?
Seriously speaking, 2012 will not mark the end of the world.
The Mayan Calendar, which has predicted Dec 21, 2012 as the last day for the world, correlates to the Hindu calendar in many ways.
The Mayan calendar began its fifth cycle in around 3114 BC, which is slated to run for 5000 years, and end on Dec 21, 2012.
According to Hindu scriptures, Kali Yuga, the last phase of the 'time cycle,' began at around the same time and will also complete 5000 years by 2012. As per the scriptures, the world will end after Kali Yuga.
However, Kali Yuga will not last for just 5000 years. Kali Yuga is again divided into four phases and we are still in the first phase. According to scriptures, the demon Kali comes riding on a horse. The first phase started when his horse kept the first leg on earth. The second phase will only begin when Kali's horse will place its second leg on earth. The sufferings and violence on earth will keep increasing with every leg of the horse.
And since Kali's horse is yet to place its remaining three legs on earth, we humans can rest assured that the world will not end by 2012!!!
But Mayan calendar and its predictions are not completeley misplaced. The Mayan calendar says this world will soon end and that a new golden age will begin.
According to 'Brahma-Vaivarta Purana,' of the Hindus too, a golden age will come in the Kali Yuga. This was told by Lord Krishna Himself. He also said that the golden age will begin after 5000 years of Kali Yuga, i.e., by 2012, and will last for the next 10,000 years.
So, come Dec 21, 2012, let's not wait for the end but hope for a new beginning!
Seriously speaking, 2012 will not mark the end of the world.
The Mayan Calendar, which has predicted Dec 21, 2012 as the last day for the world, correlates to the Hindu calendar in many ways.
The Mayan calendar began its fifth cycle in around 3114 BC, which is slated to run for 5000 years, and end on Dec 21, 2012.
According to Hindu scriptures, Kali Yuga, the last phase of the 'time cycle,' began at around the same time and will also complete 5000 years by 2012. As per the scriptures, the world will end after Kali Yuga.
However, Kali Yuga will not last for just 5000 years. Kali Yuga is again divided into four phases and we are still in the first phase. According to scriptures, the demon Kali comes riding on a horse. The first phase started when his horse kept the first leg on earth. The second phase will only begin when Kali's horse will place its second leg on earth. The sufferings and violence on earth will keep increasing with every leg of the horse.
And since Kali's horse is yet to place its remaining three legs on earth, we humans can rest assured that the world will not end by 2012!!!
But Mayan calendar and its predictions are not completeley misplaced. The Mayan calendar says this world will soon end and that a new golden age will begin.
According to 'Brahma-Vaivarta Purana,' of the Hindus too, a golden age will come in the Kali Yuga. This was told by Lord Krishna Himself. He also said that the golden age will begin after 5000 years of Kali Yuga, i.e., by 2012, and will last for the next 10,000 years.
So, come Dec 21, 2012, let's not wait for the end but hope for a new beginning!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Why do Hindus have so many Gods?
Does God exist?
We still have not been able to prove the exsistance of God. However, Hindus in India believe God exists. And not just one but millions. Now the question is, what is the need for so many Gods when one God himself can fulfill all our wishes?
Not many Hindus can answer this question because not many have questioned their faith. People have been blindly following the religious practices, even to this day, without understanding their relevance.
If I ask you to name one Hindu God then you will probably name the very famous Lord Ganesh. Hindus believe praying to him will remove all obstacles in their life. It is common knowledge that Lord Ganesh has a face of an elephant and he moves around on a mouse. Lord Ganesh loves sugarcane and ties a snake around his tummy.
For any Hindu, who believes and prays to Lord Ganesh, objects and animals associated with the Lord, automatically become sacred. He will respect the elephant because it resembles the Lord. He will not kill the snake and even tolerate the mouse!
Lord Hanuman is also a favourite among Hindus. He is a bachelor and has a face of a monkey. By default, monkeys become sacred and bachelorhood, a virtue.
Goddess Durga lives atop a hill and has a tiger as her vehicle. Thus, the tiger gains significance and also the hills and mountains.
Water flowing through the Ganges is a form of Goddess Ganga and soil is a form of Mother Earth for the Hindus.
Therefore, Hindus have a God for every element of nature. Or should it be rephrased as Hindus see God in every natural element?
Thus, Hindus have so many Gods.
We still have not been able to prove the exsistance of God. However, Hindus in India believe God exists. And not just one but millions. Now the question is, what is the need for so many Gods when one God himself can fulfill all our wishes?
Not many Hindus can answer this question because not many have questioned their faith. People have been blindly following the religious practices, even to this day, without understanding their relevance.
If I ask you to name one Hindu God then you will probably name the very famous Lord Ganesh. Hindus believe praying to him will remove all obstacles in their life. It is common knowledge that Lord Ganesh has a face of an elephant and he moves around on a mouse. Lord Ganesh loves sugarcane and ties a snake around his tummy.
For any Hindu, who believes and prays to Lord Ganesh, objects and animals associated with the Lord, automatically become sacred. He will respect the elephant because it resembles the Lord. He will not kill the snake and even tolerate the mouse!
Lord Hanuman is also a favourite among Hindus. He is a bachelor and has a face of a monkey. By default, monkeys become sacred and bachelorhood, a virtue.
Goddess Durga lives atop a hill and has a tiger as her vehicle. Thus, the tiger gains significance and also the hills and mountains.
Water flowing through the Ganges is a form of Goddess Ganga and soil is a form of Mother Earth for the Hindus.
Therefore, Hindus have a God for every element of nature. Or should it be rephrased as Hindus see God in every natural element?
Thus, Hindus have so many Gods.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
it's time to go back in time
How do you like to wake up to a peaceful morning?
No in-and-out shower but a nice bath in the tub, not just reading the headlines but the entire newspaper, no running for the bus or taxi to get to your work place, a relaxed work atmosphere where you can be at home by 6 PM, a quiet evening walk, dinner with your family and an uninterrupted good night sleep...
Sounds like a dream now but was a reality a decade and a half ago.
Everyone today is over ambitious. Each one of us wants the most out of life. No one wants to waste a single second sitting idle. Because today time is money and we need money to live a life.
Gone are the days when money was just a part of life. People then earned to live but today people live to earn.
We don't realise toady that because of our urge to make more and more money, we are losing out on everything precious, like the morning sun and the twinkling stars, the growing up years of our children, family get-togethers, memories of our first love...
Why do we want to live a life that gives us nothing but money?
It's time we go back in time to live a life that is worth living!!
No in-and-out shower but a nice bath in the tub, not just reading the headlines but the entire newspaper, no running for the bus or taxi to get to your work place, a relaxed work atmosphere where you can be at home by 6 PM, a quiet evening walk, dinner with your family and an uninterrupted good night sleep...
Sounds like a dream now but was a reality a decade and a half ago.
Everyone today is over ambitious. Each one of us wants the most out of life. No one wants to waste a single second sitting idle. Because today time is money and we need money to live a life.
Gone are the days when money was just a part of life. People then earned to live but today people live to earn.
We don't realise toady that because of our urge to make more and more money, we are losing out on everything precious, like the morning sun and the twinkling stars, the growing up years of our children, family get-togethers, memories of our first love...
Why do we want to live a life that gives us nothing but money?
It's time we go back in time to live a life that is worth living!!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
it's time we 'use,' 'reuse' and not 'misuse'
This post is written specially for my anonymous friend for the comment on my previous post. I see things in a new point of view now.
There is a big difference between 'use' and 'misuse.'
When a woodcutter cuts trees to make a living, he is 'using' the resources. When the woodcutter's wood is used by a businessman to manufacture sheet of paper, it is again 'using' resources. When the same sheet of paper is used by a lover to write a letter to his beloved, it is once again 'using' resources.
But if the businessman does not recycle used paper and wants fresh wood (just because it is available) to make new sheets of paper then it is 'misuse.' Again if the lover uses a fresh sheet of paper and not recycled sheet of paper for his love letter (just because new sheets are available) then it is 'misuse.'
'Use' and 'misuse' all depend on our point of view. What is 'use' for one could well be 'misuse' for the other. Therefore, the best thing to do is 'reuse.'
We should introduce the concept of 'reuse' into our lives. Use every object to its maximum capacity and then 'recycle.'
So, it's time we 'reuse' and 'recycle.'
There is a big difference between 'use' and 'misuse.'
When a woodcutter cuts trees to make a living, he is 'using' the resources. When the woodcutter's wood is used by a businessman to manufacture sheet of paper, it is again 'using' resources. When the same sheet of paper is used by a lover to write a letter to his beloved, it is once again 'using' resources.
But if the businessman does not recycle used paper and wants fresh wood (just because it is available) to make new sheets of paper then it is 'misuse.' Again if the lover uses a fresh sheet of paper and not recycled sheet of paper for his love letter (just because new sheets are available) then it is 'misuse.'
'Use' and 'misuse' all depend on our point of view. What is 'use' for one could well be 'misuse' for the other. Therefore, the best thing to do is 'reuse.'
We should introduce the concept of 'reuse' into our lives. Use every object to its maximum capacity and then 'recycle.'
So, it's time we 'reuse' and 'recycle.'
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
it's not too late yet
Like it is said, Planet Earth has enough for our needs but not for our greed.
Dig up tunnels to Earth's core, discharge huge volumes of poisonous gases into the atmosphere, cut down the last tree stand tall or even dry up the last drop of water - yet our greed wont die.
We have exploited the resources of this planet in all possible ways. We have successfully broken every law of nature and distorted the face of the planet. There is nothing green on the ground and no blue sky, no clear water and no white snow.
All we are left with is barren land, polluted air, dried up rivers and bare mountains.
According to a report, humans are left with just eight years' time to save this planet. If no measures are taken now then there will be nothing left.
So, let us all join hands to save this planet - to save our home. Together we can, in our own small ways, make a difference.
Remember, we have eight years with us. Let us all realise the seriousness of this issue and spread awareness. Let's all keep a foot forward, let's all work at it.
It's not too late yet.
Dig up tunnels to Earth's core, discharge huge volumes of poisonous gases into the atmosphere, cut down the last tree stand tall or even dry up the last drop of water - yet our greed wont die.
We have exploited the resources of this planet in all possible ways. We have successfully broken every law of nature and distorted the face of the planet. There is nothing green on the ground and no blue sky, no clear water and no white snow.
All we are left with is barren land, polluted air, dried up rivers and bare mountains.
According to a report, humans are left with just eight years' time to save this planet. If no measures are taken now then there will be nothing left.
So, let us all join hands to save this planet - to save our home. Together we can, in our own small ways, make a difference.
Remember, we have eight years with us. Let us all realise the seriousness of this issue and spread awareness. Let's all keep a foot forward, let's all work at it.
It's not too late yet.
Monday, April 7, 2008
it's easy to talk!
Just yesterday I was humming this 'break out,' 'be different' tune and look what I do. Blogging for me was always a waste of time and I never thought I would have a blog of my own. And today I have a blog, which takes away all my time.
I am sad to say I have joined the bandwagon.
But now that I have already jumped into water, I prefer to swim than sink. Let me see where all this will take me.
I am sad to say I have joined the bandwagon.
But now that I have already jumped into water, I prefer to swim than sink. Let me see where all this will take me.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
it's time you break out!
Have we ever wondered where we are heading to? We are just running ahead...blindly. Has anyone of us thought of what we really want to do? Has anyone thought want we really want? Has anyone of us thought what we really really love?
Because we have no time to think. The world is running and so are we. We just want to be there... where? We don't know. He is running, she is running and so I shall run too. We are all too busy doing what the other is doing.
My cousin is into Information Technology, my neighbour is into Information Technology so I too shall be there. My friend smokes so I shall smoke too. My dog barks so I shall bark too!!
It's high time we give up this herd mentality. It's time we take courage and do what we want to do. Let's stop following. If not lead then atleast be bold enough to lead life the way you want.
It's time you break out!
Because we have no time to think. The world is running and so are we. We just want to be there... where? We don't know. He is running, she is running and so I shall run too. We are all too busy doing what the other is doing.
My cousin is into Information Technology, my neighbour is into Information Technology so I too shall be there. My friend smokes so I shall smoke too. My dog barks so I shall bark too!!
It's high time we give up this herd mentality. It's time we take courage and do what we want to do. Let's stop following. If not lead then atleast be bold enough to lead life the way you want.
It's time you break out!
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